
Gavin has written the second in his series of Lessons from Kenya which can be found in full on our Kenya Experience site.

This lesson focuses on the importance of maintaining a self-centred approach when it comes to assessing and judging your performance as a runner.

At first glance that may sound somewhat selfish, but hear us out. This isn’t saying only care about yourself and have no interest or care in others. Rather it is saying don’t judge yourself by someone else’s results. Gavin’s observation is that many runners in the UK (himself included) have fallen into the trap of being so concerned about how their performances sit compared to others that they lose any measure of intrinsic value, and as a result are never satisfied or happy with their results.

Gavin discusses how finishing almost last in a race in Kenya, shortly followed by finishing 22nd in the English National helped him to appreciate how futile this approach was and to realise that it was affecting his enjoyment of the sport and overall performance.

Read the full blog here 

Running Trips provide training camps for runners of all levels in Kenya and the UK. 

Kenya Experience 
Combine a serious training camp with a cultural immersion into the world of Kenyan Running.
Enjoy the ultimate running holiday with Kenya Experience.

Training Focus Camps
UK based weekend Training Camps. World-Class Experts, Small Groups, High-Performance Venues.
Improve your running with Training Focus Camps.